Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs

Sanskrit tattoo designs have been around now for many many years. The majority of the designs have used and demonstrated various Hindu symbols to represent each generation.

Initially, strict practitioners of both the Hindu and Buddhist faiths were very critical when Sanskrit tattoo designs were used in tattoos. The idea of using religious Sanskrit designs in a tattoo was taboo. However as times and opinions have changed and developed some followers of the Hindu faith have their own interpretation of Sanskrit Tattoos.

Surveys in recent times have concluded that about 16 percent of Americans sport a tattoo. This is a growing number and is set to grow even further as more and more tattoo artists enter the fray. There are even television shows about nothing else other than tattoos and the artists who apply them.

As the popularity has increased so have the various techniques, options and tools used in the trade. Due to the increased safety of the tools more areas of the body are now able to have tattoos applied to them. This includes more sensitive areas of the body and the wrist has now become a popular site for tattoos.

Wrist tattoos are extremely popular partly due to the increased visibility that the wrist gives you. With the exception of the face the wrist is probably the most visible part of anyones body. For a wrist tattoo there is no better design than Sanskrit Tattoo Designs.

Celebrities love them

As with all modern phenomenon celebrities have been one of the keys to tattoos increased popularity and acceptance. Popular actress Jessica Alba has a very nice Sanskrit tattoo on her right inner wrist. The Sanskrit character translates to Padma or “Lotus Flower”.

The lotus flower is quite an apt symbol for a celebrity as it signifies the ability of a person to rise above the crowd. A Lotus flower has deep roots buried in the mud of lakes or ponds and yet the flower itself rises above the water to show off its beauty to the world.

X-files Gillian Anderson also has a wrist Sanskrit Tattoo design which translates to “everyday”.

Sanskrit Script Tattoos

In my opinion the best option for a wrist tattoo is Sanskrit scripts. The normal plan is to translate an important quote or passage into Sanskrit. The beauty of Sanskrit is that it is a dead language meaning that the translation wont change anytime soon.

If you search online you will be able to find many websites that offer translation of quotes into Sanskrit. Once you have the translation then it is simply a case of going to the local Tattooist to have your masterpiece attached to you.

Areas of the Wrist.

There are three main areas within the wrist that people have tattooed. These are the whole circumference, the top area of the wrist or the inner wrist. If you decide on the whole wrist then a wrist-band like tattoo is probably the best option. The Sanskrit tattoo design lends itself to the bracelet design due to the horizontal line that joins the Sanskrit characters together.

If you don’t want to go for the full wrist tattoo it is still very possible to have the top half of your wrist tattooed with this armband style as this area will usually remain in memory and the underside cannot always be seen anyways. Tattoo designs on the arm also give you the option of displaying them for all to see, or covering them up with a shirt sleeve.

Inner wrist tattoos are usually the most interesting. A large number of people who have an inner wrist Sanskrit Tattoo design found their inspiration from a Red Hot Chilli Peppers album.

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